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Showing posts from December, 2010
This past year was a great year for digital artworks, with new advanced tools being released, better rendering engines, more precise drawing tablets and a large number of visual effects studios releasing training resources.  However, nothing can replace hard work, practice and devotion, as these are what bring out the subtle details, evoke emotions and convey meaning through digital art. In the realm of  digital artworks from 2010 , there was a huge selection to choose from, with 2D, 3D, and mixed elements such as matte paintings playing a huge role.  Additionally, a number of videogames and movies were released in 2010 that had accompanying computer graphics for them.  Here’s CreativeFan’s selection of the  best cg artworks from 2010 .

40 Dark and Futuristic Photoshop Effects

Do you like exploding planets, energy spheres, ruined cities, telepathic warriors, gloomy nebulas, and light-rays? Well, you’ve come to the right place. In today’s round up we’ve put together a list of some of the coolest dark and futuristic Photoshop effects that we could find. Please take a moment to review some of our favorites.

Merry Christmas

first baloon dog

Photo of the day

Giant’s Causeway, Ireland Photograph by  Yourane Ung , My Shot This Month in Photo of the Day:  Travel  and  Adventure  Photos People visiting Northern Ireland necessarily go to the Giant's Causeway. But it is more than interesting to push your curiosity by taking the cliff path at the west of the car park. Beautifully typical Irish landscapes are expecting you! source

Christmas Quote

A turkey never voted for an early Christmas. Irish Proverb

Quote of the day

It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.   -   Arthur C. Clarke